Share-Net Evaluation Report 2017

Posted by Kimberley Meijers on April 29, 2017 at 10:06 am

Between November 2016 and February 2017 an external evaluation of Share-Net was commissioned to Kaleidos Research & Ghent University. They conducted in-depth interviews with key informants, skype interviews with the country nodes, focus group discussions and internet based surveys for members and users of the knowledge platform.

The overall objective of the evaluation is to assess the progress of Share-Net International in relation to its mandate and objectives and to formulate recommendations to strengthen the platform, ensure its continuation and improve its ability to realise its objectives.

Specific objectives of the evaluation are:
1. To assess the progress of Share-Net International in relation to its mandates and objectives, taking into account the perspectives of its members;
2. To identify how and to what extent Share-Net International is responding to the needs of its members in each country and to assess satisfaction (including value for time investment) among members with Share-Net’s activities and agenda setting;
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3. To review the division of labour between Share-Net International and the four country nodes (the Netherlands, Bangladesh, Burundi, Jordan) in view of their respective mandates and capacities; and taking into account the history of Share-Net before the creation of Share-Net International;
4. To assess the governance structure between the Secretariat, the Steering Group, the Core Group, the country nodes and their members (organisations and individuals);
5. To review strategies and opportunities for enhancing collaboration and communication among members and other stakeholders;
6. Formulate recommendations about how to strengthen the platform, ensure continuation/sustainability and to improve its ability to realise its objectives.

Click here for the full Evaluation Report and Annexes:

Evaluation Share-Net Report – Kaleidos & Ghent University
Evaluation Share-Net Annexes – Kaleidos & Ghent University

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