Come join Supporting Abortions for Everyone – SAFE for two fabulous events on abortion, happening 28th September in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
How to talk about abortion: a workshop
Have you ever been asked a question about abortion and not known how to answer it? Been worried about a discussion lest someone accuse you of “murder” or hang you up with a question about where life begins? We are abortion activists who have done work across Europe to change hearts and minds on abortion access, and to win the case for decriminalization in the court of public opinion. Our activists have done trainings on how to speak about abortion in Malta, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Gibraltar and Poland.
We will be offering concurrent workshops (one in Dutch, one in English) on Saturday 28th September from 14.00 to 16.00 pm. Spaces are limited, so please RSVP soon!
Venue: Plantage Dok, Plantage Doklaan 8, 1018 CM Amsterdam
Abortion in the Netherlands: A panel
Join us for a truly interactive panel about abortion in the Netherlands and in Europe. Our speakers will include abortion providers, grassroots abortion activists, migrants and sex workers, who will talk about abortion in the Netherlands, self managed abortion, decriminalization, and ways in which abortion in the Netherlands must be protected.
17.00 – 18.30 pm
Venue: Plantage Dok, Plantage Doklaan 8, 1018 CM Amsterdam
Questions? Comments? RSVPs to the panel or the training: