Addressing Sexual and Gender Diversity in Dutch Development Cooperation

Posted by Maria on May 10, 2018 at 9:08 am

The working group on Sexual Diversity (SD) of Share-Net Netherlands initiated a mapping in the Netherlands on who is doing what & how around SD, using an online survey and interviews. The mapping gives a general insight into the extent to which a limited group of Dutch NGOs and universities address sexual and gender diversity (SGD) and the kind of activities they implement for addressing SGD. It also shows what and how the two main Dutch ministries, MoESC and MoF, active with SGD in development cooperation, address SGD and promote human rights for LGBTI. Finally, it shows which key concepts and related strategies the NGOs and ministries use for addressing SGD.

The full report can be accessed using the link below:

Addressing Sexual and Gender Diversity in Dutch Development Cooperation – Final Report

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