Global Financing Facility

CoP Overview and Introduction

The Global Financing Facility (GFF) Community of Practice (CoP) aims to facilitate and strengthen the evidence base for joint advocacy and accountability on the GFF. Its purpose is to ensure the civil society engagement in the GFF; in defining its strategic orientation and implementation. To achieve this, the CoP will generate evidence and share insights and experiences on the policy, practice and performance of GFF at the country level and its mechanisms 💸💸.

Since its inception in 2018, the CoP has disseminated the study on the 3G approach to Health System Strengthening with The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other CoPs on GFATM and GAVI in January 2021. It has also organised several CoP meetings to discuss advocacy priorities,  members’ plans for country studies, and exchange knowledge on country experiences and priority questions. Generally, the members continue to use the CoP space to exchange knowledge on GFF policy issues and to monitor policy developments at the global level as well as the implementation o new GFF strategy 

In 2023, the CoP will continue to focus on its main aim of consolidating and generating an evidence base for  CSOs’ advocacy for the GFF. The CoP meets based on need and has maintained a good relationship with the Dutch Ministry of foreign affairs. The CoP is open to new members based in the Netherlands, and if interested, you can reach out with an email. 

CoP Objectives

The GFF CoP aims to facilitate and strengthen the evidence base for joint advocacy and accountability on the Global Financing Facility. Its purpose is furthermore to ensure the civil society engagement in the GFF; in defining its strategic orientation and in the implementation. To achieve this the CoP will generate evidence and share insights and experiences on the policy, practice and performance of GFF at country level and its mechanisms.

Key CoP Resources or Publications 

  • Roundtable Kick-off meeting 2018: “The Global Financing Facility”

Interested in Joining?

If you’re interested in getting in touch with this community, feel free to reach out to Bless-me Ajani or register your interest to join by clicking here:

CoP members can access their online working space on Mighty Networks via this link: Netherlands members only).

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