COVID-19 Youth Guide by Dance4Life



The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is drastically changing the lives of people, including the lives of young people. Schools and universities have closed, exams and events postponed, the usual health information services are limited, socializing with friends and wider family is highly discouraged and in some places even punishable. Living in these circumstances can be tough for young people for their social, physical and mental wellbeing. Therefore Dance4Life developed an online “COVID-19 Youth Guide”, which is a collection of information, links, and resources that can support young people to navigate their lives in these challenging times as well as inspire them to become leaders in dealing with the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic. Also available in French and in Russian.

Within this guide, young people can find out more regarding the following topics:

  • What is COVID-19?
  • What are the signs of COVID-19?
  • Why are we encouraged to wash our hands regularly?
  • Why should we cover our moths and nose with our elbows when coughing or sneezing?
  • Why are we socially and physically distancing?
  • What about dating and sex in times of corona?
  • What are nice stay-at-home activities?
  • What if staying at home is not safe for me or someone I know?
  • How can I better manage my mental health?
  • How can I help others?

Furthermore, young people from around the world are sharing their stories. The youth guide further touches upon stigma and discrimination and provides information about prominent myths and facts about corona. Lastly, young people can find a lot of further links and reading about this pandemic!

Feel free to have a look at the Dance4Life website and share this resource tool in your networks!

General Information:

  • Corporate Author: Dance4Life
  • Publication Year: 2020
  • To be published on country nodes: The Netherlands
  • This item is about these countries: Global, The Netherlands
  • Theme: Youth friendly Health services, SRHR Messaging
  • URL: