Jembatan Project: towards Integrating Infertility in SRHR programming



The issue of infertility is highly prevalent in the Global South, including in Indonesia, and has a devastating impact on those affected. Research shows that non-governmental organizations (NGOs) focusing on SRHR pay hardly any attention to the problem of sub- or infertility, neither do they
collaborate with support groups of clients at infertility clinics. From the previous project of University van Amsterdam (UvA) in Ghana and Kenya (part of Share-Net small grant), we have learned that these support groups are key in providing information on infertility and counselling and to address the stigma associated with infertility. The research also shows thathealth related support groups have an excellent track record of positively influencing NGOs.
To contribute to influencing SRHR NGOs to take up infertility, ResultsinHealth (RiH), UvA and the Share-Net Community of Practice (CoP) on Infertility started the preliminary work to support NGOs working in SRHR and infertility support groups to come together, share experiences and knowledge, and collaborate. This project is called Jembatan.  The Jembatan project took place in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, from June – November 2018. The project involved the International Plan Parenthood Association Yogyakarta branch (PKBI DIY), the Permata Hati infertility clinic and the support group for patients of Permata Hati clinic (PTPH support Group). The project was intended to stimulate exchange and collaboration between the PTPH support group, PKBI DIY and Permata Hati Clinic with the goal of up scaling and improving interventions addressing infertility. Specifically, Jembatan promoted collaboration between the 3 organizations.

Read the full report here.

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