The big picture – A guide for gender transformative HIV programming




What is the purpose of this guide?

We have written this guide to support organisations to develop HIV programmes to include a gender transformative approach. Our focus is on HIV prevention and treatment within the broader context of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR). Gender inequality is a root cause of vulnerability to HIV and poor SRH and thus a structural driver of the epidemic. Hence, working in a gender transformative way will increase the effectiveness of your HIV programme while striving towards gender equality.

What does this guide offer?

  • This guide provides ‘how-to’ information for developing a gender transformative approach in HIV programming. A gender transformative approach addresses root causes of vulnerability to HIV and seeks to reshape the beliefs, attitudes and behaviours of individuals and communities in favour of gender equality. It requires changing the policies, norms, and practices, which underlie gender inequality.
  • The information in this guide is based on experiences of organisations working with a gender transformative approach as well as up to date evidence. It provides practical steps you can follow to analyse and design your programme, as well as profound background information to understand what a gender transformative approach entails. Finally, it captures the experiences of organisations in four case studies found in section 3.
  • The advice in this guide is not fixed and definite; please read it as providing suggestions based on the experiences of Aidsfonds and partners. The tool gives guidance on how to think from a ‘gender transformative’ perspective, but it does not, for example, give step-by-step instructions for doing a gender analysis. The advice in this guide should be adapted to fit local needs and the relevant social, political, and cultural context.
  • This guide encourages readers to think differently about how to respond to HIV, using a holistic perspective, the so-called ‘big picture’. Therefore, it should be relevant for different types of interventions, beyond HIV programming.

Read the full guide here.

General Information:

  • Corporate Author: Aidsfonds
  • Publication Year: 2020
  • This item is about these countries: Global
  • Theme: HIV and AIDS, SRHR and HIV Integration