Webinar report: Adapting child marriage programmes in times of covid-19


Child Marriage and…

Revisiting a webinar hosted by GNB Global Learning Working Group & Share-Net Netherlands 3rd June 2020

The current pandemic is posing a big challenge on organisations committed to ending child marriage who are trying to continue reaching and impacting young girls. Therefore, on June 3rd, the Girls not Brides (GNB) Global Learning Working Group and Share-Net Netherlands hosted their first virtual episode of the Child Marriage Lecture Series with the aim of creating a space for exchange and learning around experiences with child marriage programmes pivoting. The necessary move to a digital space has allowed us to bring together five experts from Nepal, Pakistan, India and the UK and to reach 143 professionals from 19 different countries. Faith Mwangi-Powell, CEO of Girls not Brides, led the diverse group of participants through the presentations and moderated a thought-provoking question & answer session in the end.

  1. Introducing the state of evidence and key considerations for the COVID-19 response
    Speaker: Rachel Yates
  2. Women and girls fighting two pandemics at a time: Domestic violence and COVID-19 in Pakistan
    Speaker: Anbreen Ajaib
  3. Aparajita – Marriage: No Child’s Play Programme in India
    Speaker: Nancepreet Kaur
  4. Adaptive Programming in times of COVID-19 in child marriage programmes in Nepal
    Speaker: Sumnima Tuladhar

All speakers agreed that despite the global lockdown, we can – and must – stay connected. This pandemic poses new and unprecedented challenges to the work of all organisations, especially those tackling child marriage, so the process of adapting is a constant learning process. As highlighted by Anbreen Ajaib, there are many shared cultural norms and values between each of the speakers’ countries (India, Pakistan, Nepal), so learning from each other via online discussion is important to strengthen adaptive responses. This recognition further motivates the GNB Global Learning Working Group and Share-Net Netherlands to carry this lecture series forward and soon again bring together the community committed to end child marriage.

To read the full webinar report, click here.

Webinar presentations

To download the presentation by Rachel Yates, click here.

To download the presentation by Anbreen Ajaib, click here.

To download the presentation by Nancepreet Kaur, click here.

To download the presentation by Sumnima Tuladhar, click here.

Webinar recording

You can (re-)watch the webinar here.

General Information:

  • Corporate Author: Hannah Kabelka and Carys Stirling
  • Publication Year: 2020
  • To be published on country nodes: The Netherlands
  • This item is about these countries: Global, South Asia, The Netherlands
  • Theme: Child Marriage & Teenage Pregnancy