Learning Resource Package: Skills Update for Contraceptive Implant Side Effect Management and Removal


Contraception and Abortion

In late 2015, the Implant Removal Task Force was initiated to bring together implementing partners and donors to identify existing best practices and call attention to research and programming gaps for expanding access to quality contraceptive implant removal services. Among the task force’s activities is an effort to identify gaps related to implant removal and develop resources to address these gaps to contribute to greater access to quality implant removal services.

The goal of this “Skills Update for Contraceptive Implant Side Effect Management and Removal” is to update current contraceptive implant providers on the skills for implant side effect management and removal. This course is relevant for all types of implant products, including Implanon, Implanon NXT/Nexplanon, Jadelle, and Levoplant.

This Skills Update for Contraceptive Implant Side Effect Management and Removal includes the following components:

  • Implementation Guide
  • Facilitator Guide
  • Learner Workbook

General Information: