LGBTI Health CoP members offer thesis guidance to Msc students

Posted by Hannah Kabelka on February 2, 2021 at 11:29 am

The Share-Net Community of Practice (CoP) on LGBTI Health aims to improve the health and rights of LGBTI people and communities by strengthening the knowledge and capacities of professionals. In 2021, individual CoP members will continue to engage and support Master students who aspire to write their thesis in relation to LGBTI health.

As Jenni Sawyer concludes in her literature review about Understanding LGBTI health (commissioned by the CoP working on LGBTI Health in 2020), health disparities are little researched and understood. Research is uneven across the different health topics and identity groups. Research is biased towards men and to some extent transgender women, and towards sexual and mental health.

The reproductive health needs and rights of the LGBTI people, and the health of intersex individuals, beyond their mental health and medical interventions, are topics severely overlooked, misunderstood or disregarded. Furthermore, research is geographically focused predominantly in the global north, although research in other contexts appears to support the findings. There is far less evidence from the global south, women, transgender men and intersex.

Are you a Msc student inspired to work toward filling this knowledge gap?

Feel free to reach out to Share-Net Netherlands and we’ll set you in touch with the community of practice. Please be aware that the capacity of our members is limited and we cannot guarantee guidance for every applicant. Furthermore, the CoP members offer sharing expert knowledge and content-related guidance, but cannot support Msc students with academic supervision.

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