Menstrual Health: Learnings from the Ritu Programme in Bangladesh

Share-Net Reports



Menstrual Hygiene

This online meeting, on “Menstrual Health: Learnings from the Ritu Programme in Bangladesh” took place on the 3rd of December 2020 and was organised by the Dutch and Bangladeshi partners who have been involved in the Ritu programme for the past four years: Simavi, TNO, DORP, BNPS and RedOrange.

The aims of this online meeting included:

  • To present the advantages of organising a programme on menstrual health
  • To share the main lessons learned from the four year programme
  • To exchange with the audience on questions and next steps on how to improve menstrual health programmes

This webinar report summarises the main lessons learned from the four year programme and provides recommendations on how to improve menstrual health programming. This online meeting included breakout rooms on the following topics:

  • Edutainment: how to use social media to start the conversation on menstrual health by Nakib Ahmed, Head of Programmes, RedOrange
  • Public-private partnerships: how does technical innovation strengthen social interventions: developing a biodegradable sanitary napkin byMathilde Miedema, Programme Manager, TNO
  • School-based MH/SRHR interventions: how to integrate and sustain MH (SRHR) education in schools by Shahida Parvin, Programme Officer, BNPS
  • WASH in schools: how to include WASH in MH (SRHR) interventions by Mohammad Zobair Hasan, Chief (REM), DORP
  • Advocacy on menstrual health: how to build a multi-sectoral platform and other strategies by Mahbuba Kumkum, Ritu Programme Manager, Simavi

To read our takeaways from the online meeting, see here

General Information:

  • Corporate Author: Share-Net Netherlands
  • Publication Year: 2020
  • To be published on country nodes: The Netherlands
  • This item is about these countries: Bangladesh