A Warm Welcome to the New Steering Committee Members


We are so excited to introduce you to the four new members of our Share-Net Netherlands Steering committee, check out their bios and SRHR content recommendations below!


Lindsay van Clief

Lindsay, a dedicated member of Share-Net Netherlands since 2014, currently contributes her expertise to Oxfam Novib. Following her relocation from the United States in 2013 to pursue a Master’s in Gender and Sexuality Education at the University of Amsterdam, Lindsay has passionately driven initiatives in sexual health and reproductive rights within the realm of international development. With a strong track record, she has offered technical assistance and spearheaded programs across various international platforms. Lindsay’s active engagement in numerous Communities of Practice, notably in Sexual Pleasure, Menstrual Health, and Contraception and Abortion, underscores her commitment to fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange within the SRHR community. Eager to continue her support for the growth of Share-Net Networks, Lindsay remains dedicated to advancing the collective goals of SRHR.

Lindsay’s recommendation: “How to Build a Sexroom” on Netflix as a fun pleasure-related binge.

Poppy Stanbury

My name is Poppy Stanbury, I am 29 and from the UK, living in Amsterdam since 2017. I moved to the Netherlands to do a Masters in International Development with a focus on gender, and I stayed because of my amazing job at CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality, a youth-led organization focused on advocating for young people’s SRHR. My work at CHOICE is two-fold; half is all about advocating at the UN in Geneva for Meaningful and Inclusive Youth Participation and SRHR, and half is working closely with partners around the world to support and learn with each other on building a youth SRHR activist movement. I also integrate many different topics into my SRHR work, as I believe it is necessary to approach this work from an intersectional perspective! The topics I am most passionate about include climate justice, racial justice, decolonization of global health, and sexual pleasure. Previously, I have worked in Uganda, Mexico, the UK and Jordan for NGOs focused on SRHR and gender-based violence. And in my spare time I have a small business making jewelry and embroidery!  

Poppy’s recommendation: Witches, Sluts, Feminists (book)

 Shahana Siddiqui

 Shahana Siddiqui, PhD is a medical anthropologist, affiliated with University van Amsterdam (NL) and BRAC James P. Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University (BD). A Bangladesh (Dhaka) native, Siddiqui has been living, studying, and working in the Netherlands for the past seven years, before which, she lived in various other countries, including the US (undergraduate program) and the UK (masters’ program). She has worked extensively in the development sector, particularly in the fields of child rights, gender and development, and sexual reproductive health rights, including being the first Share-Net Bangladesh country hub coordinator. Her doctoral research focused on public health responsiveness to sexual violence in Bangladesh, having conducted a hospital ethnography to bring forward healthcare system gaps in gendered care provision, with the aim of bringing about female-centric care and services. Siddiqui specializes in decolonial medicine and medico-legal practices, sexual reproductive health and justice, and youth engagement. 

Shahana’s recommendation:  BBC4 production – Witch

Maaike van Veen

“Autonomy, freedom of choice and health are values close to my heart. After 20 years of working in this field, I keep committed to the cause of improving the SRHR of women and young people, all around the world” -Maaike

Maaike started her career as epidemiologist at the Dutch National Institute for Public Health (RIVM). Her work into the epidemiology of HIV and AIDS in high-risk populations contributed to acquiring a doctorate at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Amsterdam. Maaike continued her career as a Programme Manager at the Sexual Health Clinic of the Amsterdam. Since 2017 she was Rutgers’ Senior Coordinator for Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning of a multi-country programme in Africa and Asia for young people’s SRHR (Get Up, Speak Out). In March 2021, Maaike switched to the role of Programme Manager and she currently manages a few international SRHR Programmes. More recently Maaike started leading work around dealing with opposition from the anti-rights movement.

Maaike’s recommendation: Sex Education (Netflix) and De Plantage van onze voorouders (podcast)

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